Thomas Nygren

Board Member
Board member since 2021
Education: Lawyer, LL.M. at Uppsala University
Experience: Over 30 years of experience working with start-ups and growth companies in the technology sector including managed mergers and acquisitions, capital raisings, IPOs and various types of contract negotiations. In addition to this, Thomas also has a broad experience as an entrepreneur and investor in various technology companies. His current position includes, among other things, practitioner as lawyer in his own firm and most recently partner at Advokatfirman Schjødt.
Other board assignments: Medhelp Care AB (publ), Caranth Trading AB, N 3 Advokatbyrå AB, ANS Intressenter AB, Caranth Holding AB, Vermiculus Financial Technology AB.
Dependency status: Independent in relation to the Company, its senior executives and major shareholders.
Holdings in Metacon: 2,890,581 shares privately, 6,700,510 via company, 625,000 warrants in series 2023/2025 and 1,379,310 warrants in series TO1